
主頁 > 學(xué)術(shù)期刊 > International Journal of Automation & Computing > International Journal of Automation & Computing審稿周期是多久?

International Journal of Automation & Computing審稿周期是多久?

2024-11-9 10:30:00

International Journal of Automation & Computing審稿周期為1-3個月。

International Journal of Automation and computing is a publication of Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciencs and Chinese Automation and computing Society in the United Kingdom. 

The Journal publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in automation and computing. The scope of the journal is extensive. 

Topics include; artificial intelligence, automatic control, bioinformatics, computer sciene, information technology, modeling and simulation, networks and communications, optimization and decision, pattern recognition, robotics, signal processing, and systems engineering.

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