
主頁 > 學術期刊 > Chinese Journal of Cancer Research > Chinese Journal of Cancer Research投稿要求

Chinese Journal of Cancer Research投稿要求

2024-11-9 10:30:00

Chinese Journal of Cancer Research雜志投稿須知:

1、 the manuscript should be reliable, accurate data, creative, scientific, practical.The argument should be novel, argument is sufficient and reliable data, conceited (plagiarism), the text should be concise.。

2、 the name in the text under the title of the order, the arrangement should be determined in the submission.Author's name, unit, detailed address and postal code must be written clearly,the author must obtain the consent of the author's draft, the other authors agree, row order, after the notice is no longer change.。

3、 in order to shorten the period of published and reduce errors,the drawings are in word format, and please specify my contact details.。

4、 the editorial department has to delete Xiu contribution,do not agree with the statement in the manuscript please amend the contributions. 。

5、Names of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.。

6、Authors and affiliations: (i) the full names of all authors;(ii) the addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out together with the full postal address incluing post codes;(iii) the email address, telephone and facsimile umbers of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent.

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